Energy Efficiency and EHS in Data Centers: How to Balance Both for Maximum Results

EHS in Data Centers

“Balance is not something you find; it’s something you create.” – Jana Kingsford.

If the above-said words are true, it is not difficult to create balance; all we have to do is find a way. 

And in this era of technology, when technology is constantly invented to make our lives easier, we must use it to its full potential.

We all know that data centers are essential to the modern world, but they consume significant energy. In fact, data centers account for about 2% of global electricity consumption. This is genuinely a significant problem, as it contributes to climate change and many other environmental issues.

When we are on the brink of melting ice, global warming, droughts, unpredictable rainfall, etc., it is time to step back and think about what went wrong and how to balance the energy chart.

After all, we are not the last of the human race and certainly do not want to be one!

So let us investigate further how we can balance energy efficiency and EHS in data centers while preserving the planet and other resources for future generations.

This blog post will discuss the importance of energy efficiency in data centers and how to balance energy efficiency with EHS (Environmental, Health, and Safety) concerns.

The Importance of Energy Efficiency in Data Centers

As mentioned above, data centers consume a significant amount of energy. This is because data centers require much power to run servers, cooling systems, and other equipment.

In fact, when enquired about a day in the life of a data center engineer, they said that every day is different. Working at a data center is wearing several hats every day. Plus, the varying temperatures can affect the mind and body in many ways. And why only the mind and body, even the equipment, get adversely affected due to varying temperatures. 

Now, maintaining average temperatures for humans and machinery can be a challenge. The machinery emits tremendous heat and needs to be kept cool under any circumstance. 

Therefore cooling systems are their service 24 x 7.

As more and more data centers increase, the amount of energy they consume will only increase. This is because data stored and processed by data centers is growing exponentially. 

In fact, it is estimated that the global data center market will be worth $230 billion by 2025!

The increased energy consumption of data centers is a significant problem.

  • It contributes to climate change and other environmental issues.
  • It is expensive for data center operators to pay their energy bills.

Therefore it is very crucial that data centers are energy efficient. But the measures taken to be energy efficient are different at every stage. So do they comply with the EHS terms or make the problem bigger? Let us inquire into this further.

How to Balance Energy Efficiency with EHS Concerns

First, let us sneak a peek into how data centers can make themselves energy efficient.

There are several ways to make data centers more energy efficient. Some of these measures include:

  • Using more efficient servers and other equipment
  • Improving the cooling system
  • Implementing virtualization and other technologies that can reduce the amount of physical space required for data centers
  • Using renewable energy sources

Data centers can reduce their energy consumption and environmental impact by implementing the above measures and more like them. 

However, it is essential to balance energy efficiency with EHS concerns. 

For example, some energy efficiency measures may require using hazardous chemicals. It is important to ensure that these chemicals are handled and disposed of properly to protect the health and safety of data center employees and the environment.

So how can energy efficiency and EHS go hand in hand?

Here are some tips on how to balance energy efficiency with EHS concerns.

Identify your energy and EHS goals. 

What do you want to achieve in terms of energy efficiency and EHS? 

Do you want to reduce your energy consumption, improve your environmental impact, or protect your employees from hazards? 

Once you know your goals, you can start to develop strategies to achieve them.

We know every point is important, but you must prioritize tasks to maintain balance.

Make energy efficiency a priority. 

When making decisions about new equipment, processes, or materials, consider the energy efficiency of each option. Choose the option that will use the least energy, even if it is more expensive upfront. 

And if energy efficiency is proving difficult for EHS management, you must top up the safety measures and train the team accordingly.

Implement energy efficiency measures. 

There are several things you can do to improve the energy efficiency of your operations, such as installing energy-efficient lighting, upgrading your HVAC system, and using motion sensors to control lights. When incorporated with IoT and AI, these systems can help safety management get tangible measures of the energy used. Additionally, they can report statistics to the EHS staff for hazardous levels, thus restraining dangers.

Monitor your energy use. 

It is important to track your energy use to see how your efficiency measures are working. This will help you identify areas where you can make further improvements. This measurement also allows the EHS management to upgrade their training, actions, and equipment accordingly.

Get employees involved. 

Employees can play a crucial role in improving energy efficiency. Ensure they know your goals and the importance of energy conservation. Please provide them with training on saving energy and being safe in their work methods and workplace. This regular training will promote an energy-efficient and secure workplace.

Promote sustainability. 

Sustainability is not just about energy efficiency and EHS. It is also about reducing waste, conserving water, and protecting the environment. Ensure your employees know the importance of sustainability and how they can contribute to it. When employees know sustainability is necessary and not a duty, they try their best to stick to the processes.

Hence proved.

You can balance energy efficiency with EHS concerns and achieve true sustainability!

Why the Need to Balance Energy Efficiency and EHS?

Now that you know “how,” let’s know the “why”!

Here are some benefits of balancing energy efficiency with EHS concerns.

Reduced operating costs. 

When you improve energy efficiency, you can reduce your operating costs. This can free up money to invest in other business areas, such as research and development or employee training.

Improved employee morale. 

Employees are likelier to be happy and productive when working in a safe and healthy environment. By improving energy efficiency and EHS, you can create a more positive work environment for your employees.

Enhanced brand reputation. 

Customers and investors are increasingly looking for businesses that are committed to sustainability. Balancing energy efficiency with EHS concerns can enhance your brand reputation and attract new customers and investors.

There are data centers out there that are working towards energy efficiency and still have foolproof EHS management.

For example;

  1. The Switch Pyramid Campus in Reno, Nevada. This data center is powered by 100% renewable energy. The EHS staff is adequately trained in renewable energy EHS management.
  2. The Google data center in Douglas County, Georgia. This data center uses several energy efficiency measures, including virtualization and a cooling system that uses outside air. This technology ensures that workers are not exposed to too much chemical cooling.


It is important to balance energy efficiency with EHS concerns. By doing so, data centers can protect the health and safety of their employees and the environment.

And it is not an impossible task. Several data centers are leading the way in energy efficiency. 

Following their lead, other data centers can reduce their environmental impact and save money.

In fact, if EHS and energy efficiency management are planned parallelly, there is no doubt that data centers can be energy-efficient and safe workplaces simultaneously!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can energy efficiency and EHS be managed simultaneously at data centers?

Yes. With the correct steps, both EHS and energy efficiency can be easily managed.

  • Identify your energy and EHS goals. 
  • Get employees involved.
  • Provide adequate and regular training.
  • Stay updated with technology

2. How much is balancing energy efficiency and EHS important?

Energy efficiency processes and EHS processes must be balanced to maintain workplace safety and protect the planet and its resources.

3. Can technology help to maintain a balance between energy efficiency and EHS?

Many digital tools are available to ensure that companies monitor energy efficiency and manage EHS processes. EHS management software, sensors, and data measuring devices can help maintain a balance between the two.

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